GEO Local 6300 IFT/AFT AFL-CIO at The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Welcome to GEO

 What is GEO?

GEO stands for the Graduate Employees’ Organization (Local #6300 AFT/IFT AFL-CIO), which is the labor union that represents teaching and graduate assistants. We fight together for fair wages, working conditions, and benefits at UIUC.

We negotiate a collective contract that determines TAs’ and GAs’ . . . 

  • minimum wages,

  • appointment terms,

  • hours of work,

  • fee waivers and tuition waiver benefits,

  • healthcare,

  • sick leave, and

  • vacation benefits.

Who does GEO represent?

Teaching Assistants (TAs) and Graduate Assistants (GAs) are officially represented by our contract. 

However, Research Assistants (RAs) and Professional Graduate Assistants (PGAs) often benefit from the increased wages and improved benefits GEO members fight for; because of this, RAs, PGAs, workers on fellowship, hourly graduate workers, and unemployed graduate students are all welcome to join the union. Every single member builds power!

What is a labor union exactly?

Unions are a way for workers to come together to protect each other and improve our working conditions. Unions are responsible for things like the 8-hour work day, weekends, pensions and retirement funds, and ending child labor laws.

Unions are made up of people like you; they give you and your co-workers a direct say in your wages and benefits, working hours, safety conditions, and much more. Union membership and participation are legally protected for both domestic and international graduate workers.

What’s in my contract?

GEO’s Bargaining Team negotiated a new contract in April of 2023 with UIUC’s administration; you can read more the past negotiations here.

Our current 4-year contract expires on August 15, 2026. Our recent wins under this new contract include summer healthcare, 25.38% wage increase over the life of the contract and the waiving of the international student fee and transportation fee among other wins.

The current contract establishes minimum wages for all TAs and GAs, the terms of our appointments, our hours of work, fee waivers and tuition waiver benefits, our healthcare, and our sick leave and vacation benefits. The best way to protect yourself as a worker is to read it. Visit our Know Your Rights page for an overview of your rights as a worker.

Who can I talk to about GEO?

The best place to start is your department’s steward! 

Stewards are GEO members like you who work to connect others to our union’s work. They make sure that GEO committees know what’s going on in departments, and they make sure that union members know what’s going on in the rest of the union. Stewards also have a legal status similar to an HR representative of the university—they can represent workers in grievance cases and be present during conversations with supervisors.

Not all departments or schools have a steward. To find out who your steward is, or to talk to another union representative, contact the Stewards’ Council at You can also contact union staff at and view other officers’ contact information on our home page.

How do I know what’s going on in the union?

Talk to your steward, attend a bargaining session, and come to a General Membership Meeting (GMM)! You should also check out our main communication channels:

  • GEO-Ls are emails we send out every other week with announcements, bargaining updates, and event information. 

  • Follow our social media accounts for regular updates. Also tag us in your posts and we’ll share them!

    • Facebook: @uigeo

    • Twitter: @geo_uiuc

    • Instagram: @geo_uiuc

    • TikTok: @geo_uiuc

  • Attend events to meet other grad students, learn more about different parts of our union, and put faces to names! Get updated at monthly general member meetings (GMM’s), watch the contract process at bargaining sessions, or relax at socials. Add our calendar to stay updated.

What do I do next as a new GEO member?

You are the GEO! You and your graduate employee coworkers are the union. We are a democratic, member-run organization. You decide the future of GEO.

Trying to figure out how to make ends meet with unfair wages? Experiencing overwork? Want to see GEO take on new projects and directions? Get involved! Here are some places you can start:

  • Attend an event! Members are expected to attend at least one event per semester. Come to a social, attend a bargaining session, or meet other members at a General Membership Meeting (GMM)!

  • Talk to your co-workers about their working conditions. Whether you and your co-workers are experiencing a lack of building safety, overwork and unfair expectations from supervisors, or gaps in healthcare coverage, we must work together to collectively fight for solutions. The university administration depends on us keeping our issues secret and unspoken so nothing has to change. 

  • Join a committee! We build power by working together and discussing interests that matter to us as graduate employee coworkers. Join or check out a committee by attending meetings. Follow this link for the full list and descriptions.

Have more questions, or want to share your experiences as a graduate employee?

New to C-U? Check out our Unofficial Guide to Life in Chambana for a guide to navigating healthcare, housing, dining, and more!


Want to learn more about full contract bargaining negotiations that are currently underway? Check out the bargaining page for an introduction and summaries of past bargaining sessions.